Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to understand AWR report in Oracle11g?

Let we discuss about How to understand AWR report in oracle11g?
* We already know the steps to generate AWR reports , but after you did this how can you read it .
To understand AWR report:
To check "DB Time"

Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session
Begin Snap: 1235 23 May 2017 10:30 191 6.7
End Snap: 1236 23 May 2017  11:31    173 7.4
Elapsed: 59.23 (mins)
DB Time: 710.73 (mins) 

In above scenario " DB time " metric is higher than elapsed time so it meaning session are waiting for something
Note:if the Dbtime is higher than elapsed time so the session must be waiting for something

To View Instance Efficiency

 Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
Buffer Hit %: 98.67 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
Library Hit %: 98.60 Soft Parse %: 99.69
Execute to Parse %: 5.26 Latch Hit %: 99.31
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 12.78 %Non-Parse CPU: 99.10 
Note: As per the thumb rule, Instance Efficieny Percentages should be ideally above 90%.

To Review Shared Pool Statistics

 Shared Pool Statistics
Begin End
Memory Usage %: 83.49 80.93
% SQL with executions>1: 42.46 82.96
% Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 47.77 81.03 
In above the memory Usage of shared pool statistics has been shown here now it seems 83 %
If suppose its higher than 90 % the conflict in the shared pool

To View Top 5 Events

 Top 5 Timed Events
Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
db file sequential read 4,076,086 28,532 7 66.9 User I/O
CPU time 11,214 26.3
Backup: sbtbackup 4 4,398 1,099,452 10.3 Administrative
log file sync 37,365 2,421 65 5.7 Commit
log file parallel write 37,928 1,371 36 3.2 System I/O 
Here, the significant wait is the db file sequential read which contributes to 67% of DB Time.

Then , SQL Statistics can be checked.

SQL Statistics
SQL ordered by Elapsed Time
SQL ordered by CPU Time
SQL ordered by Gets
SQL ordered by Reads 
SQL Statistics section would have commonly the above four sections.
Each section shows the list of SQLs based on the order of the respective metric.
For example, SQL ordered by Elapsed Time section shows the list of SQLs in the order of the Elapsed Time.
High resource consuming SQLs can be spotted out and meant for tuning.
Note: All the above four sections of SQL Statistics show the list of SQLs in descending order.
i.e, For ex: Highest elapsed time is shown as first.

Then comes the IO Stats section.
This shows the IO Statistics for each tablespaces in the database.

Note:As the thumb rule, the Av Rd(ms) [Average Reads in milliseconds] should not cross beyond 30, add myself(not greater that 30) which is considered to be IO bottleneck.

Tablespace IO Stats
ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc 

Tablespace Reads     Av Reads/s Av Rd(ms) Av Blks/Rd Writes Av Writes/s Buffer Waits Av Buf Wt(ms)
TEMP        3,316,082 933         4.91      1.00              28,840 8 0 0.00
DATA1      520,120     146 16.06 1.21 185,846 52 902 13.00
DATA3      93,411       26 42.82 2.98 13,442 4 16 23.13
DATA2      98,171       28 91.97 7.97 5,333 2 325 34.89 

In the above example, the Av Rd(ms) is high in all tablespaces indicating the IO contention.

To verfiy Advisory Statistics

This section shows the following:-

Buffer Pool Advisory
PGA Aggr Summary
PGA Aggr Target Stats
PGA Aggr Target Histogram
PGA Memory Advisory
Shared Pool Advisory
SGA Target Advisory
Streams Pool Advisory
Java Pool Advisory 
It is very commonly used to check the advisories for the most important SGA structures like shared pool, buffer cache etc and PGA.

Then finally, init.ora Parameters is shown which shows the list of parameters set at instance level.

init.ora Parameters
All the above said sections except the DB Time can be checked from Statspack report also.
The statspack snapshots are not generated automatically as in AWR.It has to be generated during the problem period as follows:-
Take 2 snapshots between 60 minutes interval during the problem and generate the statspack report

exec statspack.snap
wait for 60 minutes
exec statspack.snap

Please run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spreport.sql
and specify BEGIN and END ID's of the snapshots taken during the problem.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Performance Tuning In Oracle 11g - Part 1

 Performance Tuning is the improvement of system performance. The motivation for such activity is called a performance problem, which can be real or anticipated.
 - Most systems will respond to increased load with some degree of decreasing
 - Oracle Performance method  is iterative  and DBA Core business is to improve performance
 - Performance tuning comes with  experience and resolving real-time bottleneck issues    
 I) Types of Performance Tuning:
 *Proactive  Tuning 
 - In design, development, testing stage -In production => ADDM(Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) -In this proactive, we have to check the database design, product development and test that.
 - After the  product  launch if we have any issues in building level run the ADDM adviser it gives appropriate built-in issue and recommendations to  DBA what is going on database background  
 *Reactive Tuning
 - In production, the problem has occurred
II) Resolving Performance issues:
 - If any performance issue occurred it can be resolved  by below
1)Tuning outside Database (DBOUTSIDE)
 - if any issues happened in performance level first  we need to  identify    the os level, network, storage  levels everything is going  good or not
- Once  you  confirmed there are no issues on outside the DB, then go  to inside the database level 2
2)Database tuning (DBINSIDE)
*Again we adopt the top-down approach
   - Tune the design
   - Tune the SQL queries
   - Tune the various memory structure of instance level
III) Methodology
  - Tuning Methodology to identify  the performance (problem ) issue where it happened and resolve using the below methodology
    *Monitor   - To monitor the issue where the problem has occurred
    *Diagnose - To identify the root cause
    *Tune - To resolve the issue
1)Monitoring Tools
Montior tools  
     *user Feedbacks
       - To get a query about the user  performance issue
      - If user  raise the complaints that time only we know the issue
     *Dynamic Performance View
      - These views owned by SYS users
      - Reside in-memory  values
      - All reads on these views are current reads
      - These cumulative values since  instance startup
      - We can refer to these views "V$dollar view names"
     - By using this view we can collect  statistics  collect tune investigation
  1)Instance Activity
  The statistics which collect information about the instance.
  - Overall statistics are listed in V$STATNAME
    *Parse time CPU
    *Physical reads
    *User commits
  - Cumulative Instance activity
    *Session level
    *System level
2)Wait Events
  The event  for which process is waiting  to be over  before it processed  
  - Provides information about sessions that  had to wait or must wait for different reasons
  * Overall wait events
  * Instance Level wait event in system level
  * Session Level wait events waited in past
- V$session_event currently waiting
- V$session
 - Rate of changes in cumulative statistics
 - Computed real-time  in MMON
  *Alert Log
 - Time to perform archiving
 - Instance recovery start and complete time
 - Incomplete checkpoints -Checkpoints start and end time
  *Enterprise Manager
 - We can access the database through the browser
 - Start and stop the database  
  Let us see one example of performance tunning   logged on sys user and check the user, account status from dba_users tables
   SQL>select username ,account_status from dba_users;
here we can choose Scott and hr  users and then we can give the permission emp table of Scott into hr
   SQL> Grant select ,update on scott.emp to hr;
here we logged into Scott user and tried to update the sal column of EMP
  SQL>update emp set sal=sal+5 where empno=7900;
     1 row updated
after this update we won't give commit or rollback next we go to other sessions in that name of HR login as the same thing we do
  SQL>update emp set sal=sal+5 where empno=7900;
now HR is waiting for Scott once we get  problem issue from development side first we ensure who are all in on-line
    SQL> select sid,serial#,username from V$session;

   ---------- ---------- ------------------------------
         1          5 SYS
         2          1
         3          1
         4          1
         5          1
         6          1
         7          1
         8          1
         9          1
        10          1
        11          1
        12          1
        13          1
        14          1
        15          1
        16          1
        20          2
        22          2
        24          3
        25         99
        29          3
        30         12
        31         16
        32         50
        33          3 HR
        34         15 SCOTT
  S-2: to wait out both user what is the status  
  SQL> select sid,event,seconds_in_wait,wait_time,state from V$session where sid in('33','34');

       SID EVENT                                                            SECONDS_IN_WAIT  WAIT_TIME STATE
       ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------
        33 enq: TX - row lock contention                                                829       0 WAITING
        34 SQL*Net message from client                                                  914       0 WAITING

  here the problem is "ENQ: TX- row lock contention" means that sid is waiting for someone
 S-3: let us find  CPU usage in system level  
    SQL> select  event,time_waited from V$system_event where event='enq: TX - row lock contention';

    EVENT                                                            TIME_WAITED
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
    enq: TX - row lock contention                                         154390

     SQL> /

     EVENT                                                            TIME_WAITED
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
    enq: TX - row lock contention                                         158326

  S-4: find which session is waiting for session-level
   SQL> select sid,event,time_waited from V$session_event where event='enq: TX - row lock contention' and sid in ('33','34');

       SID EVENT                                                            TIME_WAITED
      ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
        33 enq: TX - row lock contention                                         175386
  S-5: find out how the user has been logged
     SQL> select event,service_name,total_waits,time_waited,average_wait,max_wait from V$service_event where event='enq: TX - row lock contention';
         EVENT                                                            SERVICE_NAME                  TOTAL_WAITS TIME_WAITED AVERAGE_WAIT    MAX_WAIT
    --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------
           enq: TX - row lock contention                                    SYS$USERS                       1       190688       190688          0
S-6: to find the blocked  session user
        SQL> select  BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS, BLOCKING_INSTANCE, BLOCKING_SESSION ,username from V$session where sid in('33','34');

          ----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------------------
           VALID                       1               34 HR
          NO HOLDER                                      SCOTT
S-7: to find the object _id because using this id we can find which  has been trouble
       SQL> select ROW_WAIT_OBJ#   "Object_id" ,ROW_WAIT_FILE# "realtive fileno", ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#   "Block Number" from V$session where sid in('33');

                   Object_id realtive fileno Block Number
                  ---------- --------------- ------------
                    73181               4          151
S-8: to find the table problem occur table and owner
      SQL> select owner,object_type,object_name,data_object_id from dba_objects where object_id='73181';

      OWNER                          OBJECT_TYPE         OBJECT_NAME                                                DATA_OBJECT_ID
     ------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        ----- --------------
          SCOTT                          TABLE               EMP                                                         73181
S-9:   to find out user details

       SQL> select machine,osuser,username ,sid,service_name,logon_time from V$session where sid in ('33','34');

          MACHINE                                                          OSUSER                         USERNAME        SID SERVICE_NAME                                                                  LOGON_TIM
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
         goldengatesource                                                 oracle                         HR               33 SYS$USERS                                                                  12-MAR-16
        goldengatesource                                                 oracle                         SCOTT            34 SYS$USERS 

S-10: to sql_id for SQL query which has been issued
     SQL> select sql_id from V$session where sid in ('33','34');

S-11:   finally we found the issue query which has been given hr user now we ensure whether user Scott is going to commit or kill that session get the conformation application team.
     SQL> select sql_fulltext from  V$sql where sql_id='1dc2pgg0uh57f';

      update scott.emp set sal=sal-3 where empno=7900 


Thursday, June 20, 2019

How Database Connections are Created When Using SCANs

Based on the environment, the following actions occur when you use a SCAN to connect to an Oracle RAC database using a service name.
The numbered actions correspond to the arrows shown in Load Balancing Actions for Oracle RAC Connections That Use SCAN:
  1. The LREG process of each instance registers the database services with the default listener on the local node and with each SCAN listener, which is specified by the REMOTE_LISTENER database parameter. The listeners are dynamically updated on the amount of work being handled by the instances and dispatchers.
  2. The client issues a database connection request using a connect descriptor of the form:

  1. Note:
    If you use the Easy Connect naming method, then ensure that the sqlnet.ora file on the client contains EZCONNECT in the list of naming methods specified by the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter.
  2. The client uses DNS to resolve scan_name. After DNS returns the three addresses assigned to the SCAN, the client sends a connect request to the first IP address. If the connect request fails, then the client attempts to connect using the next IP address.
  3. When the connect request is successful, the client connects to a SCAN listener for the cluster that hosts the sales database and has an instance offering the webapp service, which in this example is sales1 and sales2. The SCAN listener compares the workload of the instances sales1 and sales2 and the workload of the nodes on which they run. If the SCAN listener determines that node2 is less loaded than node1, then the SCAN listener selects node2 and sends the address for the local listener on that node back to the client.
  4. The client connects to the local listener on node2. The local listener starts a dedicated server process for the connection to the database.
  5. The client connects directly to the dedicated server process on node2 and accesses the sales2 database instance.
Figure Load Balancing Actions for Oracle RAC Connections That Use SCAN

1. Public IP- Public IP is used for Direct connection to a particular instance only.
2. VIP- it's used for transferring the connection to another VIP in case of any failure.
3. Scan IP- its a new concept from 11g R2 onwards, wherein it has pre-information of which node has how much of load and it balances the connection between multiple instances.
     Scan IP max cab be 3 (and Oracle has tested it and as per there internal result, 3 is more than           enough for N instances.)

Remote_listener will have your SCAN_IP.
The local listener will have your VIP of a particular node.
VIP will do failover for your existing connection and incoming new request for that IP
SCAN IP will have re-information about load and will redirect your request to respective less load VIP
if you avoid VIP then you are left with public IP i.e your network card assigned to your server. That public IP is not able to failover in case of any failure.
Private IP, it's only for internal communication of RAC components maintained and managed by Oracle software itself


To BottomTo Bottom

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

How the COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter Operates in Oracle Database

The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter enables or disables Oracle Database features based on release compatibility
The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter operates in the following way:
  • The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter enables or disables the use of features, to help protect your existing application use of data.
    If you run an Oracle Database 12c database with the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter set to 11.2.0, then the database software generates database structures on disk that are compatible with Oracle Database Release 11g release 2 (11.2). If you try to use features that are part of a later release of Oracle Database, and make the database incompatible with the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter, then an error occurs. However, new features are enabled that do not create changes on disk that are incompatible with Oracle Database Release 11g release 2.
  • If you make changes to the database that make the database incompatible with the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter setting you want to use, then the database does not start, and initialization terminates in an error. If this happens, then you must set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to an appropriate value for the database.

Monday, April 1, 2019

SHMMAX and SHMALL for Oracle in Linux

SHMMAX and SHMALL are two key shared memory parameters that directly impact’s the way by which Oracle creates an SGA. Shared memory is nothing but part of Unix IPC System (Inter Process Communication) maintained by kernel where multiple processes share a single chunk of memory to communicate with each other. 

While trying to create an SGA during a database startup, Oracle chooses from one of the 3 memory management models a) one-segment or b) contiguous-multi segment or c) non-contiguous multi segment. Adoption of any of these models is dependent on the size of SGA and values defined for the shared memory parameters in the Linux kernel, most importantly SHMMAX.

So what are these parameters - SHMMAX and SHMALL?

SHMMAX is the maximum size of a single shared memory segment set in “bytes”.

Oracle:~ #  cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax


SHMALL is the total size of Shared Memory Segments System wide set in “pages”.

Oracle:~ #  cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall


The key thing to note here is the value of SHMMAX is set in "bytes" but the value of SHMMALL is set in "pages".

What’s the optimal value for SHMALL?

As SHMALL is the total size of Shard Memory Segments System wide, it should always be less than the Physical Memory on the System and should also be less than sum of SGA’s of all the oracle databases on the server. Once this value (sum of SGA’s) hit the limit, i.e. the value of shmall, then any attempt to start a new database (or even an existing database with a resized SGA) will result in an “out of memory” error (below). This is because there won’t be any more shared memory segments that Linux can allocate for SGA.

ORA-27102: out of memory

Linux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device.

So above can happen for two reasons. Either the value of shmall is not set to an optimal value or you have reached the threshold on this server.

Setting the value for SHMALL to optimal is straight forward. All you want to know is how much “Physical Memory” (excluding Cache/Swap) you have on the system and how much of it should be set aside for Linux Kernel and to be dedicated to Oracle Databases.

For e.g. Let say the Physical Memory of a system is 6 GB, out of which you want to set aside 1 GB for Linux Kernel for OS Operations and dedicate the rest of 5 GB to Oracle Databases. Then here’s how you will get the value for SHMALL.

Convert this 5 GB to bytes and divide by page size. Remember SHMALL should be set in “pages” not “bytes”.

So here goes the calculation.

Determine Page Size first, can be done in two ways. In my case it’s 4096 and that’s the recommended and default in most cases which you can keep the same. 

Oracle:~ # getconf PAGE_SIZE



Oracle:~ # cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni

Convert 5 GB into bytes and divide by page size, I used the Linux calc to do the math.

Oracle:~ # echo "( 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) / 4096 " | bc -l


Reset shmall and load it dynamically into kernel

Oracle:~ # echo "1310720" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
Oracle:~ # sysctl –p

Verify if the value has been taken into effect.

Oracle:~ # sysctl -a | grep shmall
kernel.shmall = 1310720

Another way to look this up is

Oracle:~ # ipcs -lm

------ Shared Memory Limits --------
max number of segments = 4096                          /* SHMMNI  */
max seg size (k bytes) = 524288                  /* SHMMAX  */
max total shared memory (k bytes) = 5242880      /* SHMALL  */
min seg size (bytes) = 1

To keep the value effective after every reboot, add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf

echo “kernel.shmall = 1310720” >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Also verify if sysctl.conf is enabled or will be read during boot.

Oracle:~ # chkconfig boot.sysctl
boot.sysctl  on

If returns “off”, means it’s disabled. Turn it on by running

Oracle:~ # chkconfig boot.sysctl on
boot.sysctl  on

What’s the optimal value for SHMMAX?

Oracle makes use of one of the 3 memory management models to create the SGA during database startup and it does this in following sequence. First Oracle attempts to use the one-segment model and if this fails, it proceeds with the next one which's the contiguous multi-segment model and if that fails too, it goes with the last option which is the non-contiguous multi-segment model.

So during startup it looks for shmmax parameter and compares it with the initialization parameter *.sga_target. If shmmax > *.sga_target, then oracle goes with one-segment model approach where the entire SGA is created within a single shared memory segment.

But the above attempt (one-segment) fails if SGA size otherwise *.sga_target  > shmmax, then Oracle proceeds with the 2nd option – contiguous multi-segment model. Contiguous allocations, as the name indicates are a set of shared memory segments which are contiguous within the memory and if it can find such a set of segments then entire SGA is created to fit in within this set. 

But if cannot find a set of contiguous allocations then last of the 3 option’s is chosen – non-contiguous multi-segment allocation and in this Oracle has to grab the free memory segments fragmented between used spaces.

So let’s say if you know the max size of SGA of any database on the server stays below 1 GB, you can set shmmax to 1 GB. But say if you have SGA sizes for different databases spread between 512 MB to 2 GB, then set shmmax to 2 Gigs and so on.

Like SHMALL, SHMMAX can be defined by one of these methods..

Dynamically reset and reload it to the kernel..

Oracle:~ #  echo "536870912" >  /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

Oracle:~ #  sysctl –p           -- Dynamically reload the parameters.

Or use sysctl to reload and reset ..

Oracle:~ #  sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=536870912

To permanently set so it’s effective in reboots…

Oracle:~ #  echo "kernel.shmmax=536870912" >>  /etc/systctl.conf

Install doc for 11g recommends the value of shmmax to be set to "4 GB – 1 byte" or half the size of physical memory whichever is lower. I believe “4 GB – 1 byte” is related to the limitation on the 32 bit (x86) systems where the virtual address space for a user process can only be little less than 4 GB. As there’s no such limitation for 64 bit (x86_64) bit systems, you can define SGA’s larger than 4 Gig’s. But idea here is to let Oracle use the efficient one-segment model and for this shmmax should stay higher than SGA size of any individual database on the system.

Credit- Kannan Venkatachalam