Find out CPU usage for each session
Below query will be useful to find out CPU usage for each session.
select nvl(ss.USERNAME,'ORACLE USER') username, se.SID, VALUE cpu_usage
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
and NAME like '%CPU used by this session%'
and se.SID = ss.SID
order by VALUE desc;
Sample Output:
USERNAME SID CPU_USAGEselect nvl(ss.USERNAME,'ORACLE USER') username, se.SID, VALUE cpu_usage
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
and NAME like '%CPU used by this session%'
and se.SID = ss.SID
order by VALUE desc;
Sample Output:
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
ORACLE USER 851 2669184
SAPSR3 105 913083
SAPSR3 1103 897442
SAPSR3 359 840508
SAPSR3 956 805579
ORACLE USER 901 738631
USERNAME - Name of the user
SID - Session id
CPU Usage - CPU centi-seconds used by this session (divide by 100 to get real CPU seconds)
USERNAME - Name of the user
SID - Session id
CPU Usage - CPU centi-seconds used by this session (divide by 100 to get real CPU seconds)
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