Scripts related to TEMP Tablespace
To see Temp Space:
SELECT a.tablespace_name,ROUND((c.total_blocks*b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024,2)
"Total Size [GB]",ROUND((a.used_blocks*b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024,2) "Used_size[GB]",
ROUND(((c.total_blocks-a.used_blocks)*b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024,2) "Free_size[GB]",
ROUND((a.max_blocks*b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024,2) "Max_Size_Ever_Used[GB]",
ROUND((a.max_used_blocks*b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024,2) "MaxSize_ever_Used_by_Sorts[GB]" ,
ROUND((a.used_blocks/c.total_blocks)*100,2) "Used Percentage"
FROM V$sort_segment a,dba_tablespaces b,(SELECT tablespace_name,SUM(blocks)
total_blocks FROM dba_temp_files GROUP by tablespace_name) c
WHERE a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name AND a.tablespace_name=c.tablespace_name;
To see top 10 consuming process :
select * from
(SELECT d.tablespace_name,a.sid,a.serial#,a.program,a.module,a.action,a.username "DB Username",a.osuser,ROUND((b.blocks*d.block_size)/1024/1024,2) "Used MB",c.sql_text
FROM v$session a, v$tempseg_usage b, v$sqlarea c,dba_tablespaces d
WHERE a.saddr = b.session_addr AND c.address= a.sql_address AND c.hash_value = a.sql_hash_value AND d.tablespace_name=b.tablespace ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.blocks DESC)
where rownum <=10
Query to check TEMP USAGE :
col name for a20
SELECT d.status "Status", d.tablespace_name "Name", d.contents "Type", d.extent_management
TO_CHAR(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0),'99,999,990.900') "Size (M)", TO_CHAR(NVL(t.bytes,
0)/1024/1024,'99999,999.999') ||'/'||TO_CHAR(NVL(a.bytes/1024/1024, 0),'99999,999.999') "Used (M)",
TO_CHAR(NVL(t.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), '990.00') "Used %"
FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_temp_files group by
tablespace_name) a,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes_cached) bytes from
v$temp_extent_pool group by tablespace_name) t
WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+)
AND d.extent_management like 'LOCAL' AND d.contents like 'TEMPORARY';
To Check Percentage Usage of Temp Tablespace:
select (s.tot_used_blocks/f.total_blocks)*100 as "percent used"
from (select sum(used_blocks) tot_used_blocks
from v$sort_segment where tablespace_name='TEMP') s,
(select sum(blocks) total_blocks
from dba_temp_files where tablespace_name='TEMP') f;
To find Sort Segment Usage by a particular User:
SELECT s.username,s.sid,s.serial#,u.tablespace, u.contents, u.extents, u.blocks
FROM v$session s, v$sort_usage u
WHERE s.saddr=u.session_addr
order by u.blocks desc;
To find Total Free space in Temp Tablespace :
select tablespace_name , (free_blocks*8)/1024/1024 FreeSpaceInGB,
(used_blocks*8)/1024/1024 UsedSpaceInGB,
(total_blocks*8)/1024/1024 TotalSpaceInGB
from v$sort_segment where tablespace_name like '%TEMP%'
Get 10 sessions with largest temp usage :
cursor bigtemp_sids is
select * from (
select s.sid,
s.sql_hash_value sesshash,
u.SQLHASH sorthash,
sum(u.blocks*p.value/1024/1024) mbused ,
sum(u.extents) noexts,
nvl(s.module,s.program) proginfo,
mod(mod(last_call_et,3600),60) lastcallet
from v$sort_usage u,
v$session s,
v$parameter p
where u.session_addr = s.saddr
and = 'db_block_size'
group by s.sid,s.status,s.sql_hash_value,u.sqlhash,s.username,u.tablespace,
order by 7 desc,3)
where rownum < 11;
Identifying WHO is currently using TEMP Segments :
SELECT sysdate,a.username, a.sid, a.serial#, a.osuser, (b.blocks*d.block_size)/1048576 MB_used, c.sql_text
FROM v$session a, v$tempseg_usage b, v$sqlarea c,
(select block_size from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='TEMP') d
WHERE b.tablespace = 'TEMP'
and a.saddr = b.session_addr
AND c.address= a.sql_address
AND c.hash_value = a.sql_hash_value
AND (b.blocks*d.block_size)/1048576 > 1024
ORDER BY b.tablespace, 6 desc;
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